Last Updated on October 10, 2024 by Edward Harris
Compare the lowest health insurance Exchange plans through the Marketplace in your state. Many low-cost policies for both families and individuals can be viewed from the top companies. The federal subsidy may save you thousands of dollars in premiums during Open Enrollment periods. You can also purchase quality coverage outside of the Marketplace, and also if you missed Open Enrollment. Senior Medicare coverage is available to all eligible applicants.
Family and single medical insurance provides needed protection at affordable rates . We specialize in finding quality coverage for eligible persons. We understand that keeping your family healthy, is important, so we only recommend plans from the most reputable companies. We’ll also help you simplify the comparison, research and application process. Non-Obamacare plans should also be considered for applicants that missed the Open Enrollment deadline, or prefer a less-expensive major medical option. “Temporary” plans are available although many mandated ACA benefits are not included.
If you have pre-existing conditions, there are numerous policies that will cover those conditions, thanks to the Patent and Protection legislation that was originally passed in 2010 (and implemented beginning in 2012). If a guarantee-issue or Exchange option is offered, we will show you how to apply for these types of contracts and under what conditions they should be considered. Although the availability of plans has substantially decreased in many states, it is possible that the Trump Administration will continue to make changes that increase the number of participating carriers that offer medical coverage.
The “New” US Healthcare May Become “Old”
State and federal Exchanges became operational 11 years ago. Although there are now less choices, the process is a bit simpler since tax-credits reduce your rate (if you qualify) and you no longer are penalized because of medical conditions. We continue to help guide you through the process with both online and live assistance, whichever you prefer. But, as previously mentioned, the system is changing, perhaps to an HSA-based concept, that allows patients to “shop” for the most affordable treatment. A full-fledged overhaul is not likely to completely change the existing system, but less government-control is slowly being implemented. Each Presidential election increases the chances of changes to the existing healthcare system.
Although limited-coverage indemnity policies can also be purchased through various smaller carriers, since you pay all of your expenses upfront, we typically don’t encourage consumers to consider them. And these types of policies have limited benefits, high out-of-pocket costs and are not eligible for federal subsidies. If you’re unsure if you have been approached to buy this type of plan, please contact us and we’ll review and identify the details. Often, a large non-refundable deposit is required, and customer service support for these types of plans is lacking.
Previously, many of the most popular plans were issued by respected companies such as Aetna, UnitedHealthcare, Humana, Cigna, Kaiser, and Blue Cross. Coverage typically included office visit and prescription benefits, preventive benefits and inpatient and outpatient hospital expenses. However, many of these companies have ceased offering on-Exchange plans. Having a clear understanding of the most important medical terms will help you determine which type of policy is best for your situation. Although we did not list all benefits, we have listed the most common items.
Typically, the deductible is the amount of money you must pay before the insurance company pays benefits. Unlike an auto deductible, once this has been paid once, another one is not required during the same calendar year (although some short-term plans have multiple deductibles). Many medical policies do not require you to meet the deductible for covered office visit and prescription charges. Currently, the highest allowed 2025 deductible is $9,200 (Qualified plans). HSAs have lower maximums.
Lower or $0 deductible plans tend to be higher-priced policies issued through the Platinum, Gold or Silver tiers. Some Bronze plans also feature copays instead of deductibles on office visits. Since each state offers different carriers and plans, if you move, it’s important to understand changes in your contract. It’s very possible that existing doctors and specialists may not be members of your carrier’s network if you move to a different state.
Also, under reform changes that were initiated almost a decade ago, most preventive benefits, such as mammograms, pap smears and annual physical examinations are also not subject to a deductible. And actually, coinsurance and waiting periods have also been eliminated. Thus, if you are rarely treated for illnesses and sickness, you should be focusing on policies with the lowest prices. “Bronze” and “Catastrophic” Marketplace policies are the least expensive plans. Silver-tier option that qualify for federal subsidies will often provide much better benefits (with lower out-of-pocket expenses) than Bronze-tier plans that cost slightly less.
A copay is a specific dollar amount that is paid. Generally, copays apply to office visits and prescriptions and are paid at the time the benefit is used. They are usually $15-$50 for primary-care office visits and $30-$100 for specialist office visits. Prescription copays vary as generic medication copays are often less than non-generic medication. Since a common non-generic copay is $15, you actually may pay less by paying the cost of the prescription out of pocket. Many blood pressure, cholesterol and allergy drugs are no longer “name-brand,” and can be cheaply purchased. Tier 1, 2, 3, and Tier 4 copays are typically lower than a Specialty drug copay. A deductible often applies to specialty drugs.

ER Visits Are Covered Under Most Plans
Emergency room visits also typically have a copay that will usually range from $150 to $750. If you are admitted, that amount may reduce or be eliminated. If you have a large family, you may want a copay plan to reduce your out-of-pocket expenses for multiple non-preventative pcp office visits. However, if you are covered under an HMO, your out of pocket copays and coinsurance will be less, although prior approval may be needed for specific procedures, including visits to specialists.
If this is an important feature to have, please let us know after you have submitted the free quote request. Many households with many dependents prefer Health Maintenance Organizations as opposed to PPO or EPO plans. Additional dependent coverage information is found on this page. Although separate policies are always available regardless of age, keeping dependents (until age 26) on a parent’s policy could reduce the net premium. However, if the dependent has moved to another state, a separate policy may be necessary.
Coinsurance is the percentage of the medical expenses that the insured pays after the deductible has been paid. In the vast majority of policies, a “stop loss” is established, which represents the maximum amount the insured will pay. The most common coinsurance is 20%, with 0%, 10%, 30% and 50% options also available. Naturally, the higher the percentage, the more out-of-pocket expense the insured must pay. Many inexpensive plans feature higher amounts to keep the premiums low. 0% coinsurance is typically only utilized with higher-deductible plans.
Many Health Savings Accounts utilize the 0% option which simplifies the contract. 100% of benefits are covered after the deductible has been reached. Unless specified, this also includes expensive brand prescriptions and visits to specialists. 20% options are the next popular choice since they effectively reduce premiums. Each year, you can change from your existing plan, to a new plan, and maintain the same savings account. However, unless there is a network-provider o9r rate-increase concern, it is generally best to retain current coverage.
A “PPO” (Preferred Provider Organization) is a managed organization of doctors, hospitals, medical facilities and health care providers that provide health care at reduced rates. The purpose of the PPO is to offer customers of the health insurance plan access to a many providers who have agreed to offer treatment at a reduced price. Most large health insurers use countrywide Networks that allow their members to utilize coverage when they are treated in a state other than where they live. Local smaller health insurers, such as Geisinger in Pennsylvania, have smaller focused Networks.
Affordable family medical insurance plans through the Marketplace can provide coverage for your short term needs, a family business, separate individual plans or just basic catastrophic coverage. Regardless of your need, we’ll find solutions to your problems and provide a clear path so you can easily buy the coverage that you need most, either on or off the Exchange.