Last Updated on July 6, 2021 by Edward Harris
Online medical insurance has become one of the most popular ways to purchase quality healthcare. We help consumers find affordable policies for individuals, families and the self-employed at the lowest prices. We simplify the process of applying and enrolling for coverage from the top carriers such as Blue Cross, UnitedHealthCare, Aetna, Humana, Cigna, Oscar, Kaiser, and several smaller carriers. Of course, many companies have reduced the number of states where they offer Marketplace options. Several carriers have also fully withdrawn from all Federal and State Exchanges.
By requesting a quote at the top of the page, you will be able to begin the process of choosing the benefits that are customized to treat your conditions in the most budget-friendly way. Side-by-side comparisons help you match your budget with the best available options. If you need help, we’re live persons that can help you compare available plans and explain which benefits you should have and how to get the best price.
If you missed Obamacare Open Enrollment, we can help you find the best available ACA (with approved SEP) and non-Obamacare options. Temporary plans can provide coverage from 1-36 months (subject to each state’s regulations), although several popular benefits may not be included. Both catastrophic and comprehensive temporary plans can be purchased.
Shop The Right Way
Shopping saves you valuable time and money by allowing you to view quotes at your convenience and from the location of your choice. Whether your priority is an inexpensive catastrophic contract, office visit copay plan, short-term plan or an HSA, you’ll be able to compare the nation’s best providers that offer the type of coverage you are seeking. Also, you can keep your policy for as little as one month, or many years. Occasionally, plans are no longer offered, although a similar option is usually provided by the same carrier.
If buying coverage during an Open Enrollment period (typically during November, December and January), your available plan selection is at a peak. All Exchange (Marketplace) policies (except catastrophic) are eligible for financial subsidies that could transform a very expensive comprehensive policy to an exceptionally-cheap policy. The subsidy is instantly applied to the premium so you do not have to wait for a refund or rebate. These healthcare instant tax credits are calculated by estimating your household income. Amounts can vary by county, since rates and policy availability may be different. 2021 federal subsidies were the highest since Marketplace plans were created.

No More Medical Questions For Health Insurance Plans
There is never an obligation to keep coverage for a minimum time period. All carriers allow you to terminate your plan at any time. We are constantly reviewing rates and policy coverage so the information you receive is fast and accurate. Our unique software automatically finds the best offers in your area so you can save hours of time during the research process. You can also compare carrier network provider lists and formulary prescription drug lists.
Streamlined Application Process
When purchasing health care on the internet, the application process is extremely quick, compared to the traditional method of applying by fax or mail. Not only can you view benefits and rates of many plans in seconds, you can also find the best-fitting policy, review the coverage, and enroll in about 20 minutes. When your application is completed, it is safely electronically transferred.
Physicals are not required and there is never any fee for using our service. If you prefer applying via fax, email or regular mail, it is available. Utilizing the online secure link to enroll is the most popular option. We can also help you enroll through the .gov website for Marketplace policies. Typically, we save you between 20 minutes and an hour, along with reviewing every step to ensure the best available plan is chosen and your subsidy calculation is accurate.
You Can Not Be Denied
In all states, when buying an Exchange policy, your application can not be denied for medical reasons Therefore, it is important that if you are uninsurable, a “guarantee issue” plan is purchased during Open Enrollment. Otherwise, you will either have to wait until the next OE, qualify for an exception (divorce, lose job, move, etc…) or accept an inferior “Limited Benefits” (LB) policy.
Although not all carriers offer a “LB” policy, if available, there are very few questions to answer and your acceptance is virtually guaranteed. Rates can sometimes be unusually high, so a comparison of different plans is a must. But most importantly, since a “per day” benefit is often part of the policy, you may not have enough coverage to pay for a major surgery.
And if you have a chronic illness with ongoing treatment and therapy, you’ll easily pay thousands (or tens of thousands) of dollars out of your own pocket. If you must buy this type of plan because you missed Open Enrollment, it’s important that you only keep it until the following OE period.
The Old “Open Enrollment”
Many states had an old “Open Enrollment” program that offered multiple options. These programs included State Risk Pools that offered options to applicants with severe health conditions if they met specific requirements. Typically, for the Risk Pool options, you had to have been denied by two companies and also uninsured for six months (or longer). Available plans often had higher deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses, which were similar to current Bronze Marketplace options.
Regulations from ACA legislation (Obamacare) changed the landscape of underwriting, starting in late 2013 when you could apply for Market policies through our website. Your medical history was no longer a factor (other than tobacco use), and the federal government starting helping you pay part (or a large part) of your premium.
That, of course, continues today, and no immediate changes are planned. Although changes in the Presidency and makeup of Congress can potentially lead to repeal of unpopular legislation, alternatives must be presented that can receive bipartisan approval. One possible change that could occur before 2020 is the introduction of a “public option, ” which is the creation of a government-operated plan that competes with major carriers through the Marketplace.
Least Expensive Option
The least costly type of medical coverage is a “catastrophic” policy. Often referred to as a “high deductible” policy, this type of policy typically covers large items such as inpatient and outpatient hospital bills, emergency room visits, hospital facility bills and usage fees of doctors, surgeons and nurses. Deductible options usually range from $5,000 to $7,150, and this type of online medical plan works best for healthy persons that don’t need to visit their physician on a regular basis.

Catastrophic Exchange Plans Are The Cheapest Available Policy
“Catastrophic tier” contracts are available on Exchanges, and can only be purchased by persons under age 30 or if you can not financially afford to purchase any of the other Metal plans. However, the maximum Marketplace plan deductible is typically $7,150 per person and $14,300 per family. If you want a higher deductible, a special off-Exchange policy may have to be purchased that may not be compliant to ACA rules and regulations.
The maximum payable benefits are unlimited and routine annual checkups are covered with no out of pocket expense. Assuming your health stays fairly good, you can change to another type of plan (during Open Enrollment) that provides more comprehensive benefits. The federal subsidy DOES NOT apply to these policies since premiums are already fairly low.
If you and your family members don’t visit the doctor often and rarely pay for prescriptions, a catastrophic policy will definitely put more money in your pocket compared to other alternatives. Although there are specific gaps that must be understood before purchasing, the most important features of major medical coverage are included. You may also wish to consider an HSA plan, that is designed to work with high-deductible plans.
Health Insurance Reform In 2022 And Beyond
Reform, unless repealed or de-funded (these are unlikely), will continue to provide additional options for consumers in 2015 and beyond. Rates are likely to increase, although subsidies will reduce premiums. Online purchasing of health care plans will continue to be popular, and we’ll continue to provide up-to-date rate and coverage information on this website. You can count on us to furnish personalized service that is typically not offered on large government websites.
Online health insurance “Exchanges” are now the wave of the future. When you buy a policy, we remain your resource for information, rates and ultimately applying for coverage. We work with the Exchanges and effectively simplify the process by quickly (and accurately) determining which plans are in your best interest. Our review includes studying all of the following: available plans, maximum out-of-pocket costs, number of providers in the network, rate change projections,
There are Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum “Metal” policies offered. A cheap “catastrophic” option is available for persons under age 30 or who qualify by meeting low-income household guidelines. Since your household income can quickly change, it is very important to review your existing plan, along with other available options.
For instance, if your income was $50,000 the year you purchased coverage for yourself and your family, an increase or decrease of $15,000 of income the following year could result in a subsidy that changes by thousands of dollars. Also, because of changes in your income and plan designs, while not always, a different policy may be the better choice for the new year. And of course, carriers can change policy designs and create new policies that may suddenly become the best choice.